No one likes gardening and it is often put off until the sight of your garden is unbearable. Trimming the hedges and cutting larger plants or trees can be hard work but then it comes to cleaning. What garbage bags are going to be best for removing all of this waste?

Household garbage bags won’t hold up

Household garbage bags are designed for the light weight kitchen waste that they are regularly filled with. They simply will not hold up with heavy garden waste. Before long they will be tearing and catching on other branches around the garden becoming useless. You need to find bags that are fit for the job.

Do I need a garbage bag at all?

Most areas will have a council pick-up for green waste at least once a fortnight and this is ideal for reducing the amount of plastic you are using in your home. These green bins can be 3easily filled up and placed out the front for collection without any additionally waste contribution. This green waste is usually tuned into mulch so using this service is also great for the environment.

However, if you are not regularly attending to your garden it is likely that you will have excess waste and therefore need some garbage bangs to hold all of the additional green waste.

Hessian bags

These are great for long lasting, reusable garden waste. These bags are extremely durable and are strong enough to hold everything from sticks and leaves all the way to logs. The only downside of these bags is that they are not water or leak proof so any wet waste will leave through.

Heavy-duty garbage bags

These are designed to hold heavy and pointy materials. These plastic bags are made from materials that can resist against tears and catches on branches so your bag won’t rip as you move about the garden. They can also be reused a couple of times making them a great choice. They can be used to hold your green waste out front whilst they wait to be collected by the council or for transport to the tip.

These bags are also waterproof so you can be sure that you won’t have any leakages as you transport the waste.

As a side note, for larger branches and logs it may be worth investing in a compactor to break them down before putting them out front for collection or transporting them to the tip. This is only worthwhile if you regularly have to cut down large branches and logs.